Join us for our first Mental Health Meal
We'll share dinner, drinks, and maybe even some laughs
as we lift each other up
When: February 4 at 6pm
Where: Coral Tree Cafe — Encino
National Indivisible
In 2017 two congressional staffers, Ezra Levin and Leah Greenberg, wrote a guide charting a course for everyday Americans to resist the newly elected president, Trump. What you may not know is that Levin and Greenberg took much of their guidance from the Tea Party. A few years earlier, during President Obama's administration it was the Tea Party, a minority faction of the GOP, that proved very effective in stalling much of the President's agenda. By motivating their constituents to hold their Members of Congress (MoCs) accountable through phone calls, town halls, large rallies, and even running for office themselves, they gained influence within their party. Sound familiar. Now, fast forward to 2017, with Democrats the minority party our Indivisible founders wrote a similar guidebook for the left. They were not expecting much of a response, but they could not have been more wrong. This little PDF went viral, and within a few months Indivisible groups were cropping up in almost every district in the country. During these 8 years, the benefit of National Indivisible's guidance along with the tools they've provided have been incalculable. There is one thing, however, National Indivisible does not do; they do not determine the mission or focus of each Indivisible group. That is left entirely to each local group.
SFV Indivisible
SFVI was one of the first Indivisible groups to form, and we have been working to resist Trump's agenda from the beginning. After forming in January 2017, it didn’t take long for us to gain our footing, and determine that the most effective way for progressive ideals to become engrained into our country was for us to elect more Democrats running for national elections. From that moment our focus never wavered. In the years since, we've built an army of volunteers (all of you), and we've used all the tools (canvass, phone banks, text banks, postcards) at our disposal to help elect Democrats in battleground districts and states including the presidency.
A Little History — Beginning in 2017 we helped save the ACA, in 2018 we reclaimed the House of Representatives, we won back the White House in 2020, and the Senate followed in January 2021. While the outcome of 2024 was not what we had hoped there were election results here in California we are very proud to have supported. We helped elect George Whitesides (CA-27), Derek Tran (CA-45), Adam Gray (CA-13) and Dave Min (CA-47). In an election cycle where the entire country shifted 6-10% to the right, the races where grassroots groups were involved the rightward shift was held to 3%. It was not enough to help Democrats control Congress or the White House, but it demonstrates that our work matters.
Our Future — We won't win every election, but SFV Indivisible can promise you this; when we ask you to support a candidate or a race we believe there is a chance of our winning. We'll always be laser focused in preparing an action, be it postcards or phone banks or anything else we do. So, if you are new volunteer or have just been away for a while, we hope in the coming weeks and months you find the work we engage in to be worthwhile. Our job is to galvanize voters and to share the candidate's message. The next few years won't be easy, far from it, but it will be our honor to have all of you alongside us as we continue to fight.
San Fernando Valley Indivisible’s mission is to create and sustain a community-based group of activists who work to elect local, state, and national representatives that support our democratic ideals
Our goals include but are not limited to: support voter equality, urge criminal justice reform, advocate an end to the gun violence epidemic, promote legislation that recognizes that climate change is a real and present danger, advocate immigrants’ rights including a pathway to citizenship, and work to ensure healthcare for all
We will work tirelessly to elect officials at all levels of government that reflect these goals
If our representatives should fall short, we will speak out and hold them accountable
In addition to our election work SFV Indivisible’s members advocate for asylum seekers, the undocumented living locally, and new immigrant families residing in our communities
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